大数据分析 - 汇总数据

  • 简述

    报告在大数据分析中非常重要。每个组织都必须定期提供信息以支持其决策过程。此任务通常由具有 SQL 和 ETL(提取、传输和加载)经验的数据分析师处理。
    # Install the following packages by running the following code in R. 
    pkgs = c('data.table', 'ggplot2', 'nycflights13', 'reshape2') 
    ggplot2包非常适合数据可视化。data.table包是在R. 最近的一项基准测试表明它甚至比pandas,用于类似任务的python库。
    # Convert the flights data.frame to a data.table object and call it DT 
    DT <- as.data.table(flights)  
    # The data has 336776 rows and 16 columns 
    # Take a look at the first rows 
    #   year    month  day   dep_time  dep_delay  arr_time  arr_delay  carrier 
    # 1: 2013     1     1      517       2         830         11       UA 
    # 2: 2013     1     1      533       4         850         20       UA 
    # 3: 2013     1     1      542       2         923         33       AA 
    # 4: 2013     1     1      544      -1        1004        -18       B6 
    # 5: 2013     1     1      554      -6         812        -25       DL 
    # 6: 2013     1     1      554      -4         740         12       UA  
    #     tailnum  flight  origin   dest    air_time   distance    hour   minute 
    # 1:  N14228   1545     EWR      IAH      227        1400       5       17 
    # 2:  N24211   1714     LGA      IAH      227        1416       5       33 
    # 3:  N619AA   1141     JFK      MIA      160        1089       5       42 
    # 4:  N804JB    725     JFK      BQN      183        1576       5       44 
    # 5:  N668DN    461     LGA      ATL      116        762        5       54 
    # 6:  N39463   1696     EWR      ORD      150        719        5       54
    ### Data Summarization
    # Compute the mean arrival delay  
    DT[, list(mean_arrival_delay = mean(arr_delay, na.rm = TRUE))] 
    #        mean_arrival_delay 
    # 1:           6.895377  
    # Now, we compute the same value but for each carrier 
    mean1 = DT[, list(mean_arrival_delay = mean(arr_delay, na.rm = TRUE)), 
       by = carrier] 
    #      carrier    mean_arrival_delay 
    # 1:      UA          3.5580111 
    # 2:      AA          0.3642909 
    # 3:      B6          9.4579733 
    # 4:      DL          1.6443409 
    # 5:      EV         15.7964311 
    # 6:      MQ         10.7747334 
    # 7:      US          2.1295951 
    # 8:      WN          9.6491199 
    # 9:      VX          1.7644644 
    # 10:     FL         20.1159055 
    # 11:     AS         -9.9308886 
    # 12:     9E          7.3796692
    # 13:     F9         21.9207048 
    # 14:     HA         -6.9152047 
    # 15:     YV         15.5569853 
    # 16:     OO         11.9310345
    # Now let’s compute to means in the same line of code 
    mean2 = DT[, list(mean_departure_delay = mean(dep_delay, na.rm = TRUE), 
       mean_arrival_delay = mean(arr_delay, na.rm = TRUE)), 
       by = carrier] 
    #       carrier    mean_departure_delay   mean_arrival_delay 
    # 1:      UA            12.106073          3.5580111 
    # 2:      AA             8.586016          0.3642909 
    # 3:      B6            13.022522          9.4579733 
    # 4:      DL             9.264505          1.6443409 
    # 5:      EV            19.955390         15.7964311 
    # 6:      MQ            10.552041         10.7747334 
    # 7:      US             3.782418          2.1295951 
    # 8:      WN            17.711744          9.6491199 
    # 9:      VX            12.869421          1.7644644 
    # 10:     FL            18.726075         20.1159055 
    # 11:     AS             5.804775         -9.9308886 
    # 12:     9E            16.725769          7.3796692 
    # 13:     F9            20.215543         21.9207048 
    # 14:     HA             4.900585         -6.9152047 
    # 15:     YV            18.996330         15.5569853 
    # 16:     OO            12.586207         11.9310345
    ### Create a new variable called gain 
    # this is the difference between arrival delay and departure delay 
    DT[, gain:= arr_delay - dep_delay]  
    # Compute the median gain per carrier 
    median_gain = DT[, median(gain, na.rm = TRUE), by = carrier] 